Source code for slick_dnn.autograd

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from slick_dnn import variable

[docs]class Context: """ This class is for storing information for back propagation. Autograd uses this class instead of using self to allow constructions:: relu = ReLU() b = relu(a) c = relu(b) That means, that you can use one instance of Autograd class to all of your operations. Without it, the above example would be:: relu1 = ReLU() relu2 = ReLU() b = relu1(a) c = relu2(b) """ def __init__(self): self.data_for_back = None
[docs] def save_for_back(self, *data): """ Saves given data for back propagation. :param data: Iterable of any data to save. :type data: Any """ self.data_for_back = tuple(data)
[docs]class Autograd(ABC): """ Autograd is a base class for all operations made on Variables. """
[docs] def apply(self, *variables_list): """ Actual creation of new Variable. It calls overwritten :py:class:`forward` method, creates new :py:class:`Context` (same context is used in forward an backward pass) and sets :code:`backward_function` and :code:`backward_variables` for the new Variable :param variables_list: any variables, backward function will have to calculate gradients w.r.t all input variables :return: one variable, the one with tracked history and calculated data """ ctx = Context() forward_tensor = self.forward(ctx, *map(lambda v:, variables_list)) # we set has_grad=False, for performance improvement output_variable = variable.Variable(forward_tensor, has_grad=False) output_variable.backward_function = lambda x: self.backward(ctx, x) output_variable.backward_variables = list(variables_list) return output_variable
[docs] @abstractmethod def forward(self, ctx, *tensors_list): """ Forward pass of variable. Each Autograd object must implement it. :param ctx: Context, classes can save information in them :type ctx: Context :param tensors_list: any list of input tensors :return: one new tensor """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def backward(self, ctx, grad): """ Backward pass. Each Autograd Object must implement it. :param ctx: Same context as in forward pass :type ctx: Context :param grad: gradient :return: gradient w.r.t all inputs """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def __call__(self, *variables_list): """ For convenience. One can use all Autograd objects by simply calling them instead of using :py:class:`apply` method. :param variables_list: same as in :py:class:`forward` method :return: what :py:class:`apply` returns """ return self.apply(*variables_list)